A Very Simple Economic Freedom Index

Many of the predictions of Causal Economics center on the impact of consolidated power, because that is one of the main conditions that allows for decoupling, driving up B/C ratios for those with power and driving down B/C ratios for those without power. Economic freedom and economic consolidation are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Compensation Insights from Causal Economics

Causal Economics provides a great deal of insight on compensation practices. It reinforces some well recognized practices, flags some areas of poor approaches and lays out potential new approaches. This post puts a few areas on the table for discussion. Good compensation systems always try to connect pay (the cost to the employer and the

Is Growth and Deflation Possible?

It’s commonplace to see increasing real GDP as a measure of improved utility in society. But it’s less common to imagine an even better scenario of increasing real GDP and deflation. In such a situation, real incomes are increasing in a strong and sustainable fashion, as we’ll show here. The word ‘deflation’ itself conjures up

Socialism? Capitalism? Is it Time for Causalism?

100% Pure Socialism and Capitalism each convey unstable long-term extremes. Raw socialism will snuff out productive growth and innovation as individual entrepreneurship gives way to reliance on big government, run by bureaucratic elites. It simply removes incentives to innovation. Raw Capitalism will produce powerful capital holders that naturally steer societal rules to their own benefit

Why Doesn’t “Regular” Economics Work?

The mainstream economics most of us learned in school is known as neoclassical economics, and it quite simply doesn’t explain human behavior. It’s all built on the 100% rational economic man – homo economicus. And well, people are regularly observed to be irrational/emotional. The recent surge in popularity of Behavioral Economics came about to fill the

How to Speed up Your Sales Cycle Using Causal Economics

The standard in sales and marketing today is to relentlessly communicate benefits of our solutions. Barriers to implementation get very little attention during the buying process.  It’s a natural situation, because bringing up costs and problems creates tough discussions. This can slow things down, right? Bringing up things that are negative. It’s actually not true.